Storytelling: "If you don't tell your story, that story doesn't exist"

C5 - France. Ecole Primaire Publique Piton La Ravine Blanche


First Day 22nd of April 2022

Activities at school. Welcoming by students and all the French staff (song, flags made by students, a final buffet with local food and a gift). Erasmus participants are splitted in 5 different classrooms to attend a lesson about local food, customs, music, tradition and local dialect (guided brainstorming and circle talk strategies). When the schooltime is over all the participants are told about the French school system in Reunion, difficulties due to the students' background and the environment, students' chances in the future.   

Second Day 23rd of April 2022

Outdoor activity: walking in a palm wood and along a sandy beach the participants pick up stuff and take pictures by instant cameras for the Happy Box. Learning by experience, interaction with the others and the environment. Happy box activity: using colours, pencils, glue, scissors in a box provided by the Reunion coordinator and all the stuff they gathered in the morning walking, the Erasmus participants make on a sheet a creative product that shows what their feeling about that day and the environment they discovered.

Third Day 24th of April 2022

Outdoor activity. Excursion to Piton la Fornaise by bus. A guide explains volcano structure, walking to a small crater. After that the participants reach a view point on the river 

Fourth Day 25th of April 2022

Storytelling workshop online with the international storyteller David Heathfield from England. He shows the principal and important techniques we have to consider when we tell a story. Participants involved in storytelling activity (telling a story from their own country, in their language and in English in a way suggested by the trainer. Everybody gets or gives a feedback from and to the others. Brainstorming, discussion and role play strategies used in the activity.

Fifth Day 26th of April 2022

Institut de l'Image de l'Ocean Indien (ILOI). Animation 3D activity using Blender app: lesson held by Pierre Fontaine. In the first part participants understand how to use the app's tools to create 3D images guided by the trainer, In the second part they create a 3D image and animation by themselves. Discussion about Blender and how it can be useful in learning activities (circle talk). Certification of participation (7 hours course). Dinner all together (Erasmus participants and teachers and staff of Reunion school).

Sixth Day 27th of April 2022

Games in learning activity. Kahoot: how to create quizzes. Esposito Antonio (Anacapri coordinator) shows all the Kahoot tools to create a quiz. Participants try to create a quiz by themselves and play with the others (learning by doing). Discussion about Kahoot and how it can be useful in learning activities (circle talk).

Erasmus Teachers questionnaire provided by Reunion coordinator and discussion about the outcomes and suggestions. Circle talk.

LInt to Teacher's Questionnaure


As we all agreed to make STORYTELLING video in our own school to develop the STORYTELLING skills. And here they are: